Thursday, May 10, 2012

Karen Hunt

What are you typical job duties?
I'm a banquet server so I do the prep work or set up for a banquet. We'll set up the tables, we polish the silverware. I can be all over the place. I could be in the Ballroom, the Lounges, the Oak Room or outside on the Terrace.

How long have you worked here?
Four years.

What are some of your previous jobs?
I worked in different restaurants, Carr’s, Josephine’s, The Hamilton Club, The Pressroom. I've done catering at The Log Cabin and Greenfield. I'm also a freelance artist. For about 15 years I was a self employed artist. My main income was from painting murals, doing scenic painting for theater television and concerts. I did commissions for architects, murals for museums, and private commissions for portraits.

What is your favorite kind of art?
Right now I'm in the midst of creating my art garden, This summer I'm recycling old art work that's in my basement studio. I want to just have fun with it, play with it, and hang it in my garden.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?
I always wanted to be an artist, although I thought about being a veterinarian and a ballerina.

Do you have any pets?
Yes, actually she's my daughter, Izzy (laughs). She's my sweet little pug. She's everything to me. I've had her for seven years. A lot of people who meet her just love her.

What are your other interests and hobbies?
Gardening, kayaking, and racquetball. I've experimented with sculpting, I attempted to play the flute years ago. I took lessons for 3 years, I like to try something for a little while, and if it doesn't fit into my lifestyle, then I drop it.

What is your favorite place that you’ve ever been to and where would you like to go on vacation?
I did a study tour in Europe when I was in art school. Florence Italy was my favorite place. I would love to go to Spain, Japan and China. Those are three places that I’d like to see.

What is your favorite food?
YES! (laughs) I like hard shelled crabs in the summertime and hogmaw in the wintertime. I like fresh summer fruits and vegetables,cantaloupe, and my mother’s cooking.

What are some TV shows that you enjoy?
Storage Wars, Top Chef, The History Channel, PBS, and Discovery.

What is your favorite movie?
The Shawshank Redemption. Everytime it's on TV, even though I've seen it 20 times, I'll still watch it.

What music do you listen to?
I'm all over the place with music. I like bluegrass, hip hop, rock, blues, jazz, indie, some country, but I'm not crazy about pop.

What is the best compliment that someone could give you?
That I'm a good human being.

What famous person, past or present, would you like to meet?
Picasso, although I may end up hating him after I meet him. Da Vinci, and Jesus Christ.

If you could go back and give the teen age version of yourself advice, what would you tell her?
Study harder, party less. Take a back up major and listen to your instinct!